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  • Pentecostal Publishing House allows us to share digital files for training purposes and local church use. If the translation is from a different publisher, any restrictions are indicated on the file.
  • If an FLC member receives a request from a UPCI missionary, they can send them any of the PDF files from the FLC website, but should copy Jim Poitras on the email ( They should mention that it is the missionary’s responsibility to secure the proper printing permissions from PPH etc.
  • If an FLC member receives a request from someone who is not a UPCI missionary, they should refer them to the closest UPCI missionary and/or Jim Poitras.
  • PPH issues printing rights that are specific to a country or region, so you must obtain permission from them for large-scale printing. (For example, the King’s Translators have contracts with PPH that allow them to print and sell French translations in North America only.) Click here for a sample contract.
  • Rev. David Bernard has given permission for his works to be shared among FLC members. His printing restrictions are as follows: works are published under the auspices of a UPCI missionary or church; he is asked for permission for substantive changes in content; publication is on a non-profit basis with any sales revenue used for costs of production; and he receives two copies of the translation.
  • Translations can be customized for the appropriate region – be sure to add this information to the Copyright page:  Translated by ____, Revised by _______ for printing in (name of country or region). In this case, a new 13-digit ISBN should be obtained and listed on the translation. Click here for a sample copyright page.
  • To generate a free bar code for the ISBN number of a translation, go to:


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